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Hemodynamics Calculator

Hemodynamics Calculator (Trend Over Time)
Fick cardiac index (CI), cardiac output (CO), systemic vascular resistance (SVR), pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), cardiac power output (CPO), pulmonary artery pulsatility index (PAPi),

Signs Concerning for Shock (Cardiogenic):

Cardiac Index < 2.2, Mean Arterial Pressure MAP < 60-65mm Hg, Central Venous Pressure CVP > 8 mmHg,

Cardiac Power Output < 0.6 (Severe left ventricular dysfunction), 

Pulmonary artery pulsatility index < 1.0 (Severe right ventricular dysfunction)

The rationale for only requiring SvO2, MvO2/PaO2, and Hb to calculate CI, is explained in the Med C Guide pages 34-37.

Please use Fick Equations to checkout other formulas and compare the cardiac index/output results

This is for education and experimental purpose only. Not to be used for medical diagnosis and treatment without professional advise.

Maine Medical Center Shock Team Activation Algorithm

Portland, ME 04102


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© By J Shah, MD.

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